

1. 蕃茄2個切角; 排骨用胡椒粉、生抽、糖、紹酒、少許雞粉和粟粉醃好。

2. 燒熱油鑊爆香薑茸和蒜茸,加入蕃茄角炒至開始稔,盛起備用。

3. 再燒熱油鑊下排骨炒至金黃色灒酒。

4. 蕃茄角回鑊並加入茄汁兜勻,如汁太稠加入適量清水,拌勻後炆一會。

5. 如需要可用糖和鹽調味,埋芡即成。

1 則留言:

  1. hii!! For this can i use veal instead of pork too? i've still got quite a bit of veal in my fridge and i don't know what to make with it!
    [版主回覆04/09/2009 14:51:00]should be OK~ read my previous message!


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